red scorpio made

Majick Infused Ceramics

Super Blue Moon – August 30, 2023

When there are two full moons in one month, the second is called a “Blue Moon”, and they are rare. In fact, the Blue Moon that occurred on August 30th, 2023, was the first one since August 22, 2021. A “Supermoon” is when the moon is at perigee, meaning she is the closest to Earth for that lunar cycle. This makes her especially powerful. Supermoons are not particularly rare but Supermoon Blue Moons are, with the last one occurring in December of 2009. The next one will not come until August of 2032.

Everything about the placement of this moon represents heightened clarity and intuition, allows for a deep understanding of ourselves and our place in the world, and enlightens our path in life. It provides the keys to unlock the things we need to access within.

These pieces were blessed with moon water from the August 30th Super Blue Moon. Align with this energy when using them to help manifest your dreams and aspirations.